Bible characters
- 2. The king known for his wisdom
- 3. The first king of Israel
- 6. The weeping prophet
- 8. She turned into a pillar of salt
- 10. The queen who saved her people
- 13. A judge and prophetess who led Israel
- 14. A giant defeated by David
- 15. A tax collector who became a disciple
- 18. The first woman, created from Adam's rib
- 1. The disciple who doubted Jesus' resurrection
- 4. The brother of Moses and first high priest of Israel
- 5. He interpreted dreams for Pharaoh
- 7. Father of many nations, had a son at 100 years old
- 9. The apostle who betrayed Jesus
- 11. The prophet who confronted Ahab and Jezebel
- 12. He built an ark to survive the flood
- 13. The king who played the harp and wrote many psalms
- 16. The second son of Adam and Eve, killed by his brother
- 17. The twin brother who sold his birthright