Bible Names

  1. 1. quite contrary
  2. 2. wrote more books of the Bible than anyone else
  3. 4. walked on water with Jesus
  4. 10. before Judge Judy she was a famous woman judge (book of Judges)
  5. 11. son of Isaiah, Isaiah 7
  6. 14. this doctor never met Jesus but wrote one of the Gospels
  7. 15. was under a fig tree at the end of John 1
  8. 16. told a whale of a story at Ninevah
  9. 17. rose from the tomb after being dead three days
  10. 20. First King of Israel I Samuel 9
  11. 21. a really really tall guy who fought David
  12. 22. Paul wrote two letters/books to this man
  1. 1. his name means drawn from the water... because he was
  2. 3. called by God in Genesis 12
  3. 5. the mother of John the Baptist
  4. 6. he wrestled with God (his other name is Israel)
  5. 7. her name means "star" and a book is named after her
  6. 8. baptized in the Jordon
  7. 9. the sister of Moses and Aaron
  8. 10. miracles all over the place, handwriting on the wall, special dreams, lion's den
  9. 12. He was a great shot with a sling
  10. 13. the first apostle killed Acts 12
  11. 16. he had the most famous coat of all time
  12. 18. Moabite woman who has a book named after her
  13. 19. always known as the doubter but was a strong Apostle of Jesus
  14. 23. the sister of Lazarus John 11 (along with Mary, not Jesus mom)