Bible Stories
- 1. The first woman created by God - Genesis 2:21-22
- 5. The father of Isaac - Genesis 21:2-3
- 7. the Baptist The man who baptized Jesus - Matthew 3:13-14
- 8. The city where the tower was built to reach the heavens - Genesis 11:4
- 10. The angel who announced the birth of Jesus - Luke 1:26-28
- 11. The man who spent three days in the belly of a big fish - Jonah 1:17
- 12. The place where Jesus was presented as a baby - Luke 2:22-24
- 13. Sea The sea that was parted for the Israelites to cross - Exodus 14:21-22
- 14. The prophet who anointed David as king - 1 Samuel 16:12-13
- 16. The town where Jesus was born - Luke 2:4-7
- 17. The king who asked for wisdom - 1 Kings 3:9-12
- 2. The woman who became queen of Persia and saved her people - Esther 4:14
- 3. The cousin of Jesus who leaped in his mother’s womb - Luke 1:41-44
- 4. The brother who killed his sibling - Genesis 4:8
- 6. The leader who received the Ten Commandments - Exodus 19:3
- 7. The brother sold into slavery by his brothers - Genesis 37:28
- 9. The man whose name was changed to Israel - Genesis 32:28
- 11. The city where David reigned as king - 2 Samuel 5:7
- 15. The king who sought to kill the infant Jesus - Matthew 2:16
- 18. A man who built an ark - Genesis 6:13-14