Bible Trivia
- 4. What makes the heaven so beautiful for endless days? (v.5)
- 6. "Mightier than the ______ of the great water" (v.4)
- 7. Where did Jesus grow up?
- 9. Who were the 10 commandments given to? (Exodus 20: 1-17)
- 10. The LORD is robed in ______ (v.1)
- 11. Who wrote this book in the bible?
- 14. This prophet was swallowed by a fish.
- 15. What is the longest book in the Bible?
- 17. What did God create on the second day of creation? (Genesis 1:7-8)
- 1. News, What does the word Gospel mean?
- 2. Who was the Son of God?
- 3. What is the meaning of “Epistle”?
- 5. After the flood, what sign did God give that He would not destroy the earth with a flood again?
- 8. How many apostles did Jesus have?
- 12. Who established the throne and is from all eternity (v.2)
- 13. Finish this sentence: "We are not saved by our own works, we are saved by _____(Ephesians 2:8)
- 16. How many books are there in the bible?