Bible Trivia

  1. 4. What makes the heaven so beautiful for endless days? (v.5)
  2. 6. "Mightier than the ______ of the great water" (v.4)
  3. 7. Where did Jesus grow up?
  4. 9. Who were the 10 commandments given to? (Exodus 20: 1-17)
  5. 10. The LORD is robed in ______ (v.1)
  6. 11. Who wrote this book in the bible?
  7. 14. This prophet was swallowed by a fish.
  8. 15. What is the longest book in the Bible?
  9. 17. What did God create on the second day of creation? (Genesis 1:7-8)
  1. 1. News, What does the word Gospel mean?
  2. 2. Who was the Son of God?
  3. 3. What is the meaning of “Epistle”?
  4. 5. After the flood, what sign did God give that He would not destroy the earth with a flood again?
  5. 8. How many apostles did Jesus have?
  6. 12. Who established the throne and is from all eternity (v.2)
  7. 13. Finish this sentence: "We are not saved by our own works, we are saved by _____(Ephesians 2:8)
  8. 16. How many books are there in the bible?