Bienvenue à Québec!

  1. 2. This mountain range starts in Alabama and runs through Quebec
  2. 5. The winter festival’s mascot
  3. 7. The river that runs through Québec
  4. 9. This French explorer landed in Québec City in 1535
  5. 10. The best Skills team in Canada
  6. 12. This connects the Upper and Lower Towns of Old Québec
  7. 14. Québec is the primary producer of _____ in Canada
  8. 15. The most famous Québecois dish
  9. 17. It took ______ years to pay off the debt for the 1976 Olympics
  10. 18. The capital of the Province of Québec
  11. 19. The English general during the Seven Year War
  12. 20. Where the Battle of Québec took place
  1. 1. Name of the star-shaped fortification
  2. 3. The longest cantilever bridge in the world
  3. 4. The most photographed hotel in the world
  4. 6. The founder of Québec city
  5. 8. The largest winter festival in the world
  6. 11. Falls in Québec that surpass Niagara Falls in height
  7. 13. The French general during the Seven Year War
  8. 16. The official language of Québec