Big Bang Theory Crossword Puzzle
- 3. any various ceremonial, religious, practices based off of movements and relative positions of celestial objects
- 6. exotic matter that interacts only weakly with ordinary matter
- 7. science that studies celestial objects
- 9. low level of energy evenly distributed throughout the universe
- 11. The rate at which galaxy is moving is directly proportional to its distance from us
- 15. the belief that the sun is the center of the universe
- 16. a carefully thought out idea based off of facts.
- 17. huge clumps of matter held together by ______- eventually formed stars and galaxies
- 1. a scientist in the field of astronomy
- 2. hubble used this to uncover new information about our universe
- 4. less than half of the total matter in the universe
- 5. Acts as a sort of anti-gravity
- 8. the study of the origin, structure, and future of the universe
- 10. idea that explains how the universe formed
- 12. An astronomer who concluded that the undiverse is expanding
- 13. large spiral consisting of several hundreds and billions of stars.
- 14. the first element to form after the big bang.