Big Money

  1. 1. card a plastic card that allows you to pay for things on credit when you’re buying something.
  2. 5. the person or account that money is paid to.
  3. 6. account a bank account based on the principles of Islamic law.
  4. 7. a plastic card that allows you to transfer money electronically from one account to another when you’re buying something.
  5. 8. the charge made by lenders on money you borrow from them, and the amount earned by your savings. Interest can be ‘variable’ (goes up or down) or ‘fixed’.
  6. 9. a service from a bank which allows you to store your money, pay for things or save for the future.
  7. 10. an overall charge (package) that is made up of different charges
  8. 11. a payment made or owed.
  9. 12. an amount of money you pay for insurance.
  1. 1. the opportunity to withdraw cash while you’re paying for something with a debit card.
  2. 2. overspending on your bank account.
  3. 3. an arrangement made by your bank that allows a company or a person to take an agreed sum from your account on agreed dates.
  4. 4. this is when you give your bank instructions to make a regular payment to a person, or an organisation.