Bill of Rights Crossword - Natalie

  1. 3. replace
  2. 6. bans quartering
  3. 7. right to jury trial in civil cases
  4. 9. rights of accused
  5. 13. lawsuit no criminal conduct
  6. 17. can't be a witness against yourself
  7. 18. rights retained by the people
  8. 20. basic rights
  1. 1. same crime charged twice
  2. 2. taking away
  3. 4. prevents unreasonable search and seizure
  4. 5. restriction
  5. 8. accommodate
  6. 10. weapons and ammunition
  7. 11. fair trial, right to lawyer
  8. 12. right to bare arms and form militia
  9. 14. fundamental principles
  10. 15. bans excessive bail and punishment
  11. 16. right to fair trial
  12. 19. ensures states rights