Bill of Rights

  1. 2. this amendment states civil trial rights
  2. 3. this amendment states quartering troops in homes
  3. 6. a formal listing of the basic rights or citizens
  4. 10. this amendment states rights retained by the people
  5. 12. people who are required to defend themselves in a legal action
  6. 14. this amendment states powers reserved to the states
  1. 1. the act of giving testimony that can be used against oneself
  2. 4. this amendment states bail and punishment
  3. 5. this amendment states the right to bear arms
  4. 7. this amendment states legal rights
  5. 8. this amendment states criminal trial rights
  6. 9. this amendment states the right to worship freely
  7. 11. an order from a judge that authorizes police or other officials to take a certain action
  8. 13. this amendment states searches and seizures