Bio 2 - Crossword

  1. 5. a proposed explanation for a set of observations
  2. 6. Properties - properties not present at the preceding level
  3. 9. the scientific study of life
  4. 10. the evidence on which scientific inquiry is based
  5. 11. the factor that is manipulated by researchers
  6. 12. the variable that depends on the independent variable
  7. 15. the process of change that has transformed life on earth
  8. 16. an attempt to model the behavior of biological systems by analyzing interactions among their parts
  1. 1. bacteria, archaea, and eukarya
  2. 2. the structural and functional units of life
  3. 3. the application of scientific knowledge for a specific purpose
  4. 4. an experiment which included a control and a test group
  5. 7. an approach to understanding the natural world
  6. 8. Darwin’s theory supporting survival and reproduction
  7. 13. scientific test
  8. 14. a hypothesis that is broad and supported by evidence