BIO 201 Cardiovascular System I

  1. 2. valve that separates left atrium from left ventricle, has two triangular cusps
  2. 4. also known as right atrioventricular valve separating right atrium from right ventricle
  3. 7. science & study of blood
  4. 11. circulation that follows a path from ride side of heart & pulmonary arteries & veins, conveys blood to lungs & back to left side of heart
  5. 12. collagen fibers that make up connective tissues of papillary muscles, attached to tricuspid & prevent prolapsing into right atrium
  6. 14. interventricular sulcus that runs on right ventricles from coronary sulcus toward apex of heart
  7. 15. formed by right ventricle
  8. 16. three time thicker than right ventricular wall
  9. 19. relatively deep groove that separates atria & ventricles
  10. 21. circulation that follows a path from left side of heart & arteries & veins, conveys blood to most body tissues & back to right side of heart
  11. 23. pericardium that is composed of two parietal & visceral layers
  12. 24. interventricular sulcus that runs on left ventricles from coronary sulcus toward apex of heart
  13. 28. process that occurs in red bone marrow of epiphysis, found within spongy bone of axial skeleton
  14. 30. also known as thrombocytes, fragments of cells that help initiate clotting
  15. 31. posterosuperior surface of heart mainly made of left atrium
  16. 32. consists of visceral layer of serous pericardium & areolar connective tissue
  17. 33. receives oxygenated blood from lungs from pulmonary veins
  1. 1. two types pulmonary & aortic, composed of three thin, half-moon-shaped, pocketlike semilunar cusps
  2. 3. anterior borders of atria, muscular extensions
  3. 5. cone-shaped muscles within right ventricle, anchored this strands of strong connective tissue
  4. 6. smooth area located at superior end of right ventricle
  5. 8. layer of serous pericardium that lines inner surface of fibrous pericardium
  6. 9. pericardium that is outer covering of tough, dense, connective tissue
  7. 10. components of blood including erythrocytes & buffy coat made of platelets & leukocytes
  8. 13. also known as white blood cells, five different types serving immune functions
  9. 17. internal surface of heart chambers & external surface of heart valves
  10. 18. also known as red blood cells, carry out gas exchange with tissues, lack nucleus
  11. 20. formed by great vessels of heart
  12. 22. cardiac muscle, thickest of three layers
  13. 25. inferior conical end of heart
  14. 26. component of blood made of mostly water with salts, proteins, & other molecules
  15. 27. receives venous blood from heart & systemic circulation, superior & inferior vena cava & coronary sinus drain here
  16. 29. layer of serous pericardium that covers outer surface of heart