BIO 201 Respiratory System I

  1. 8. inferior cartilage to thyroid, completely ring-shaped
  2. 9. bronchi, also known as segmental bronchi, that divides into 8 to 10 branches
  3. 10. stimulation that results in bronchoconstriction
  4. 14. v-shaped anterior projection, also known as Adam's apple
  5. 15. from end of soft palate to level with hyoid bone
  6. 16. division of respiratory system into upper & lower
  7. 18. spoon-shaped cartilage that projects superiorly into pharynx, swallowing cause it to close the opening of larynx preventing materials from entering lower respiratory tract
  8. 19. openings to nasopharynx, comprised of superior, middle, & inferior portions that condition air within nasal cavity
  9. 21. starts inferior to hyoid bone, continuous with larynx & esophagus
  10. 24. opening in lateral walls found in nasopharynx that equalize air pressure in middle ear
  11. 25. division of respiratory system into conducting & respiratory
  12. 27. largest cartilage, located in anterior & lateral wall
  13. 28. continuous with nasal cavity & superior to soft palate
  14. 29. begins at nostrils & ends as openings to nasopharynx
  15. 30. opening between vocal folds, air forced through here cause vibration of vocal folds resulting in production of sound
  16. 31. also known as the voice box, supported by framework of cartilages, ligaments, & muscles, including thyroid, cricoid, & epiglottis cartilages
  17. 32. volume of thoracic cavity increases, intrapulmonary pressure decreases, air flows into lungs
  18. 33. branching of primary bronchi, three from right & two from left
  1. 1. branching of bronchi that lack rings of cartilage & lined with simple columnar or simple squamous epithelium
  2. 2. divides nasal cavity into right & left portions, forms medial wall of each cavity
  3. 3. inferior to larynx superior to primary bronchi, anterior to esophagus, supported by C-shaped cartilages
  4. 4. volume of thoracic cavity decreases, intrapulmonary pressure increases, air flows out of lungs
  5. 5. diaphragm & external intercostal muscles contract & relax causing normal rhythmic breathing
  6. 6. found in larynx & comprised of vocal ligaments covered by mucous membrane
  7. 7. primary bronchi that is wider & more vertical, foreign particles are more likely to get lodged in here
  8. 11. also known as breathing, movement of air into & out of respiratory system
  9. 12. nervous control of respiration located in medulla oblongata of brainstem controlling rate & depth of breathing
  10. 13. air-filled cavities (sinuses) named after bones in which they reside, communicate with nasal cavity by ducts
  11. 17. vocal folds plus rima glottidis
  12. 20. area of body that is shared by digestive & respiratory systems, divided into three regions naso-, oro-, & laryngo-
  13. 22. anterior border of oropharynx
  14. 23. stimulation that results in bronchodilation
  15. 26. left & right paired bronchi that branch from trachea