  1. 2. This is an RNA molecule (mRNA) that is able to catalyze cellular biochemical and metabolic reactions by acting like a protein enzyme.
  2. 4. A ____________ _______ is an encoding protein that has zero interactions with DNA (2 words).
  3. 6. “Can be somatic or gametic (germline)” is a characteristic of __________.
  4. 9. Regarding types of mutations, a “less common, more disruptive” purine/pyrimidine exchange is known as _____________.
  5. 11. Blocks transcription.
  6. 12. What kind of gene is always ON and is a gene for “housekeeping” products used in basic cell functions (2 words)?
  7. 13. Turns on transcription.
  8. 15. _____ __________________ is a molecular biology technique that can be used to sort DNA based on molecular size (2 words).
  1. 1. A change in DNA that acts as a STOP codon which makes a protein end translation sooner than expected (2 words).
  2. 3. This is an induced mutation via X-rays, gamma rays, and UV light.
  3. 5. When a sequence reads the same both ways, the sequence sites are __________.
  4. 7. Denature, anneal, and extend are 3 steps involved in this molecular biology technique.
  5. 8. What process of histone proteins changes the structure of chromatin and allows the binding of some transcription factors to DNA?
  6. 10. What cause of mutations are “due to natural low level of errors” like replication errors and mispairing?
  7. 14. With transcriptional control in prokaryotes an _________ ______ binds regulatory proteins which turn around and block RNA polymerase (2 words).