Biogeochemical Cycles

  1. 5. The fourth most abundant element in the universe and essential to life on Earth
  2. 6. Process by which water changes from a liquid into a gas
  3. 7. Process by which droplets of water fall to Earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail
  4. 12. The breaking down of materials by rotting, decay, or microorganisms
  5. 13. The most abundant element in the atmosphere, it is essential for life
  6. 14. Cycle Process in which water circulates between Earth’s oceans, atmosphere, and land
  7. 15. Carbon molecules bonded to hydrogen molecules
  8. 16. Precipitation not absorbed into soil that moved to water collection points
  9. 17. A system that changes atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms
  10. 19. Carbohydrates(glucose) are used to make ATP energy for metabolic reactions
  11. 20. Carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight yields glucose and oxygen
  12. 21. Nitrifying bacteria convert unusable forms of soil nitrogen into useable forms
  1. 1. Microscopic marine plants that use carbon to make shells of calcium carbonate
  2. 2. Matter originating from a living organism; contains hydrocarbons
  3. 3. Process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water
  4. 4. Cycle A system that transfers carbon from one part of the environment to another
  5. 8. The process of burning something
  6. 9. Turning atmospheric nitrogen into useable forms
  7. 10. Glucose and oxygen yield carbon dioxide, water, and ATP energy
  8. 11. A process by which green plants turn carbon dioxide into carbohydrates
  9. 18. The downward movement of water from land surfaces into soil or porous rock