Biological rythms

  1. 4. weakening effect of lack of sleep
  2. 5. stage when Delta waves start to appear
  3. 7. John had a dream about a big nice house, according to Freud, what he saw or eperienced and remembered upon waking is the "........." content
  4. 9. I regulate the 24hour rhythm
  5. 10. the rhythm that occur every day
  6. 11. a term that refers to the contribution of sleep to durability of stored memories
  7. 13. Theory that dreaming occurs from the firing of pons in the brain
  8. 15. Judith rarely spends enough time in deep sleep because she leaves the REM stage with a choke. She's likely to be diagnosed with this sleep disorder?
  9. 16. rhythmical clock in the brain that controls hormones, blood pressure, brain cells etc.
  10. 17. state of significant difference from waking consciousness
  11. 18. what stage? " muscular paralysis, 'blood, temp, heart rate' low, vivid dreams"
  12. 19. when a wife to be dreamt her fiance did not show up for the wedding, what type of approach would that dream fall under?
  13. 22. gland produces the hormone that induce sleep
  14. 23. awake and alert of oneself and environment
  15. 24. what does the house in John's dream represent?
  1. 1. Internal ... occurs when there's the 24 hour rhythm imbalance
  2. 2. John has to find the "......" to his dream
  3. 3. type of sleep that occurs when you are muscularly paralysed but have brain activity
  4. 6. rhythms that are generated from within
  5. 8. "SCN" cells in the hippothalamus or master pace maker
  6. 12. a psychological depression from lack of sunlight, acronym also mean being unhappy
  7. 14. daytime sleep attack that rhymes with epilepsy
  8. 20. dreams in which the dreamer is aware of dreaming
  9. 21. formed in stage 2 of sleep
  10. 25. hoax about PMS and testosterone levels, affects...