
  1. 3. 40 hours a week (8 a day)is the ______
  2. 6. the study of living things
  3. 7. Minimum degree you need for a Biologist
  4. 11. study _____’s in there natural habitats
  5. 12. You get a lot of money is a ______
  6. 13. what a person who does the job is called
  7. 14. were I would spend most my time if I studied animals
  1. 1. (2wds)rabbits eat carrots foxes eat rabbits (that is a ____)
  2. 2. a lot of schooling required is a ______
  3. 4. Something a biologist does regularly to find new things
  4. 5. a biologist that studies animals (not a wildlife biologist)
  5. 8. Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, and applications are all __’s
  6. 9. 20-40 bucks an hour is the _____
  7. 10. were an animal lives