
  1. 6. another term for pseudopodium
  2. 8. a space or vesicle within the cytoplasm of a cell
  3. 11. Lets things in and out of the cell
  4. 12. moves about by extending finger like projections of protoplasm
  5. 13. makes and disposes urine
  6. 15. a green single-celled freshwater organism with a flagellum
  7. 16. delivers blood to the body
  8. 18. a dense organelle present in most eukaryotic cells
  9. 20. one cellular organism
  10. 21. a cell with a flagella
  11. 22. a cell in a plant
  1. 1. this makes organs
  2. 2. a cell with multiple cellular organisms
  3. 3. using the sun to get food
  4. 4. breaks down food
  5. 5. any of a number of organized or specialized structures
  6. 6. a single-celled freshwater animal that has a characteristic slipper-like shape
  7. 7. brings in and delivers air to cells
  8. 8. a circular cell with Daughter cells attached to it
  9. 9. protects the cell
  10. 10. this makes an organ system
  11. 14. an organelle found in large numbers in most cells
  12. 15. in a cell to see (hint: eye)
  13. 17. Another word for organs
  14. 19. a cell in a animal
  15. 23. cilium