
  1. 1. hair like things to help move the paramecium
  2. 4. travels in groups
  3. 6. many organs working together
  4. 8. tail like thing that helps volvox and euglena move
  5. 9. this cell only has a cell membrane
  6. 11. living thing
  7. 12. carries oxygen around the body
  8. 15. plants go through this
  9. 17. organized or specialized structures in a living cell.
  10. 21. carries cells waste
  11. 22. one cell
  12. 23. Wall
  13. 24. many cells working together
  1. 2. only cell that can change shape
  2. 3. the lungs are in the system
  3. 5. helps brake down food
  4. 6. a part of an organism
  5. 7. energy production
  6. 10. removes waste
  7. 13. more then one cell
  8. 14. directs euglena and volvox to sunlight to create food
  9. 16. this cell has both a cell membrane and cell wall
  10. 18. uses flageum to move
  11. 19. helps amoeba move
  12. 20. uses cilia to move