- 4. when the population increases
- 6. an enzyme that synthesizes short rna
- 13. an area on the planet with living beings
- 14. made in ribosome, composed of a chain of amino acids
- 16. 'the instucion manual' carries hereditary information
- 17. makes up much of the inside of a cell
- 18. a group of atoms together creating a compound
- 19. copy of dna carries information to the ribosome the messenger
- 21. the large membrane organelle 'the office'
- 23. the basic units of life, this is as small as it gets.
- 24. breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
- 27. transports matierals to and from cells, blood.
- 1. responsible for making many some things
- 2. a biological bunch of organisms interacting with each-other
- 3. the natural habitat with a community of organisms and flora and fauna
- 5. the different forms of a gene
- 6. the likelihood that a particular event will occur
- 7. one of the 'building blocks'
- 8. when the beings are together creating more than one.
- 9. when the cells get together they form this
- 10. the being formed by the system that is fully funcional.
- 11. made of rna where protein synthesis happens
- 12. carries dna, in shape of an x
- 15. in plant cell that makes it green
- 20. the study of hereditary
- 22. when the organs are together they make a functional ------ that helps the living being survive.
- 25. detects informaton from the enviroment and controls body function
- 26. the basic funcional unit in every living being.