
  1. 4. Provides body with oxygen.
  2. 5. Monitor/coordinate organs' functions.
  3. 7. The 'beginning' of the digestive system.
  4. 9. Turns food polymers into energy for the body.
  5. 10. Has 32 brains.
  6. 11. Regulates vital processes in the body.
  7. 14. Can stretch and relax.
  8. 15. Part of the nervous system.
  9. 16. Transport nutrients and gasses to cells and tissues throughout the body.
  1. 1. Part of digestive system, made of bones
  2. 2. Subsystem of circulatory.
  3. 3. Enable to have offsprings.
  4. 6. Part of the respiratory system.
  5. 8. Gives your body its structure.
  6. 12. Has 3 hearts.
  7. 13. Protects the internal structures.
  8. 17. Removes waste.