  1. 4. The flow of water
  2. 6. For growth and repair
  3. 10. Help chemical reactions
  4. 11. Starch is a _____
  5. 13. Some provide strength and others help cells to function properly.
  6. 14. diet To stay healthy you need _____
  7. 15. Prevents constipation
  1. 1. Contains chlorophyll to trap light energy
  2. 2. A lack of iron will lead to ____
  3. 3. D Help absorb calcium and phosphorus
  4. 5. absorbs water and minerals
  5. 7. A diseases caused by the lack of vitamin b
  6. 8. Tiny pores to let carbon dioxide gas in and out of the leaves
  7. 9. Used for building cell membrane’s
  8. 12. A diseases caused by the lack of vitamin C