- 2. enlarged segment of cartilage that supports epiogottis
- 3. exchange of air between our lungs and the environment
- 5. this and alveoli are where oxygen in the lungs is exchanged with carbon dioxide in the blood
- 8. location where gas exchange occurs between outer environment and blood
- 9. makes up 21% of air
- 11. organs that contain air passage to alveoli
- 12. adheres lungs to chest wall
- 15. connects pharynx to lungs, lined with mucus
- 17. movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration
- 18. provides increased SA in the nasal passages for warming of air
- 19. tiny, hair-like structures that catch and get rid of foreign debris
- 20. gases move between blood and cells
- 21. large flat muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity
- 1. contains ciliated and mucus-producing cells but arent supported by rings of cartilage
- 4. flap of cartilage that lies behind the tongue
- 6. makes up 2% of air
- 7. volume of air that is inhaled and exhaled when breathing (at rest)
- 8. volume of air that remains in the lungs after full exhalation
- 10. gases move between lungs and blood
- 12. muscular tube connecting to nose and mouth through larynx and esophagus
- 13. carry air into the lungs and branch into branchioles
- 14. makes up 78% of the air
- 16. an enzyme found in red blood cells that speeds up carbon dioxide reaction