
  1. 4. a glass shelter for plants that absorbs sunlight
  2. 6. humus is present in ___
  3. 8. many or alot
  4. 11. exhalation of water vapour through stomata
  5. 12. a layer in the stratopshere
  6. 13. what plants do at night
  7. 15. variety of plants and animal life in the world or a particular area
  8. 17. a must
  9. 19. _______ and component
  10. 20. a substance that pollutes something
  1. 1. animals living on the ground are known as _____ animals
  2. 2. explosion
  3. 3. a component
  4. 5. the biosphere is made of lithosphere, hydrosphere, and _______
  5. 7. what organisms do in the soil to dead matter
  6. 9. and inorganic substance that occurs naturally
  7. 10. living things
  8. 14. when something is floating that thing is _____
  9. 16. what we breathe
  10. 18. something we need to do work