
  1. 4. fight infection and stop disease
  2. 5. site for respiration in a cell
  3. 7. produce antibodies that stick pathogens
  4. 8. waste product of respiration
  5. 14. movement down its concentration gradient
  6. 15. flexible layer surrounding the cell
  7. 16. respiration organ
  8. 17. broken down part of cells
  9. 18. carries blood cells and platelets
  10. 19. food substance for energy
  11. 20. diffusion of water
  1. 1. surround, engulf and destroy pathogens
  2. 2. cells that carry oxygen
  3. 3. where blood cells and platelets are made
  4. 6. shape of red blood cell
  5. 9. contains genetic material of organism
  6. 10. element needed for respiration
  7. 11. red pigment that binds with oxygen
  8. 12. device used to see cells
  9. 13. liquid that makes up most of the cell