
  1. 3. No nucleus
  2. 5. er No ribosomes
  3. 7. Fluid outside of the nucleus
  4. 10. Acts as the cells skeleton
  5. 13. membrane Semipermeable
  6. 16. Diffusion of water
  7. 18. Stores material needed by the cell
  8. 19. Make protein
  9. 20. transport Energy required
  1. 1. Has nucleus
  2. 2. er Has ribosomes
  3. 4. Site of photosynthesis
  4. 6. Organ system for locomotion
  5. 8. Makes ATP
  6. 9. Full of enzymes
  7. 11. Control center
  8. 12. Movement of solutes from high-low concentration
  9. 14. body Packages proteins into vesicles
  10. 15. Organ system for obtaining nutrients
  11. 17. transport No energy required