- 1. second biggest classification of life
- 4. the thing all life strives for
- 5. organized DNA
- 7. the place where proteins are built
- 8. fills the empty space inside cells
- 11. Taxis
- 14. a segment of DNA
- 16. holds all code for an organism
- 17. one of the oldest forms of life
- 18. basic cells
- 19. made up of amino acids
- 21. complex cells
- 22. the basic unit of life
- 23. the standard of which an organism burns calories
- 25. apple-tree car-garage
- 26. sun into energy.
- 2. a scientific idea
- 3. h2o
- 6. delivers protein instructions
- 9. the building blocks of protein
- 10. the organ that is the control station
- 12. holds dna
- 13. the recyclers of the planet
- 15. testing an idea
- 17. the study of life.
- 20. Ms.tanner's favorite form of life
- 24. cellular energy