
  1. 3. The maximum number of individuals in a species that an environment can support for the long term is
  2. 7. any living thing that has an effect on an ecosystem is
  3. 9. Another characteristic of a population is
  4. 11. Any factor in the environment that does not depend on the number of members in a population per unit area is
  5. 12. explains how fast a given population grows
  6. 13. A feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing is
  7. 16. This change in a population from high birth and death rates is
  8. 18. What strategist is an Elephant
  9. 20. occurs when births plus immigration equals deaths plus emigration
  1. 1. The gradual growth of the population in the beginning and then increases when the number of the people is
  2. 2. a nonliving part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment is
  3. 4. What strategist is a mouse
  4. 5. What type of growth rate comes first
  5. 6. is the term ecologist use to describe the number of individuals moving away from a population
  6. 8. is the number of males and females in each of the three age groups: pre reproductive stage, reproductive stage, and post reproductive stage is
  7. 10. the rate of expansion an economy can sustain at full capacity and employment is
  8. 14. The study of human populations size, density, distribution, movement, and birth and death rates is
  9. 15. Populations tend to be dispersed
  10. 17. the term ecologists use to describe the number of individuals moving into a population
  11. 19. One Characteristic of a population is the