biology chapter 1

  1. 2. representation of reality
  2. 4. step by step way to solve a problem
  3. 7. idea that earth should be protected
  4. 9. looking for information
  5. 11. based on others opinions
  6. 13. a persons interpretation of the world
  7. 14. model that explains observations
  8. 16. commandments given to Adam and eve
  1. 1. a wise use of natural resources
  2. 3. the study of how to use biology
  3. 5. the way you chose to see something
  4. 6. better the ability to harvest resources
  5. 8. model that describes a phenomenon
  6. 10. best guess based on straight facts
  7. 12. study of life
  8. 15. characteristics of good in us