Biology Crossword
- 3. muscle at the floor of the mouth that mixes food with saliva and pushes it back to the mouth to be swallowed
- 4. cells that engulf and destroy bacteria and debris
- 7. muscular rings that can contract to block the passage of materials
- 10. eating disorder; a person eats large quantities of food and then intentionally vomits it out
- 12. eating disorder; self-imposed starvation and refusal to maintain normal body weight
- 14. antimicrobial molecules that communicate with immune system cells and stimulate the development of a fever
- 15. triggers the production of antibodies, which bind mast cells
- 16. fluid component of blood that transports cells, platelets, and numerous types of dissolved chemicals
- 18. herbivore with a complex, four-chambered organ that specializes in the digestion of grass
- 21. cell fragments that collect near a wound
- 22. absence of one or more essential elements of the immune system
- 24. biochemical that causes blood vessels to dilate
- 26. blood pressure that reflects the force exerted on artery walls when the ventricles contract
- 28. the outermost layer, and it consists partly of dry, dead cells that help keep invaders outside the body
- 29. measure the energy stored in food
- 30. forms the external entrance to the nasal cavity, functions in breathing, immunity, and the sense of smell
- 1. immune reaction to a harmless substance
- 2. tube that connects the bladder with the outside of the body
- 5. fatty deposits inside the walls of arteries reduce blood flow to the brain, heart, limbs or kidneys
- 6. enzyme that digests proteins
- 8. windpipe; tube just beneath the larynx
- 9. muscular bag that receives food from the esophagus
- 11. an immediate, localized reaction to an injury or to any pathogen that breaches the body’s barriers
- 13. rhythmic waves of contraction that propel food in one direction
- 17. inflammation of the alveoli, usually resulting from an infection with bacteria, viruses, or fungi
- 19. white blood cells that participate in inflammation
- 20. a type of cancer in which red bone marrow produces too many white blood cells
- 23. blood pressure when the ventricles relax
- 25. a Y-shaped protein composed of two heavy and two light polypeptide chains
- 27. blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart