Biology Crossword
- 3. number of different species in the biosphere
- 4. gray-brown haze in the atmosphere
- 6. rain containing nitric sulforic acid
- 7. process caused by a combination of performing practices
- 8. destruction of forest
- 10. increasing consentration of a harmful substance at higher trophic levels and a foodchain
- 15. cannot be replenished by natural process
- 17. harmful material that can enter the biosphere
- 18. farming stragedy in which large fields are planted with a single crop]
- 19. wise management of natural resources
- 21. species whose population size is rapidly declining
- 23. a permanent marking on the body
- 24. plants and animals that have migrated to places where they are not native
- 1. the raising of aquatic organisms
- 2. disappearance of species
- 3. using natural resouces at a rate that does not deplete them
- 5. the sum total of the variety of organisms in the biosphere
- 9. splitting of ecosystems into small fragments
- 11. atmospheric layer in which ozone gas is relativly concentrated
- 12. practice of farming
- 13. something that leaps across lilypads
- 14. sticky and sweet
- 16. development of highly productive crop strains
- 20. place of learning
- 22. something baked with redsauce on top