Biology! Joy!
- 2. class with sea spiders, sucking porboscis, reduced episthosoma, internal organs within legs
- 7. subphylum with 2 pair of antennae, biramous appendages, tagmata includes cephalothorax and abdomen,marine,freshwater,terrestrial
- 8. incomplete and gradual metamorphosis, egg-naiad-adult or imago, dragon flies, mayfly, stonefly
- 13. incomplete metamorphosis, egg-nymph-adult, bugs, roaches, grasshoppers
- 15. sea lilies, sea feather, pinnules, some sessile, stalked, mobile
- 16. sea stars, 5 arms, regeneration, many prey on bivalves
- 17. subphylum with function independently, tagmata, 8 legs and no antennae
- 18. latrodectes mactans,dangerous species
- 20. rolly pollies
- 21. phylum with endoskeleton; water vascular system; pedicellarieae; pentamerous radial symmetry; autonomy and regeneration; mouth from 2nd opening
- 25. spike like tail
- 26. 8 legs, no antennae, some venomous
- 1. serpent stars, brittle stars, basket stars, slender arms, central disc, closed ambulacral groove, predatory and suspension feeders
- 3. millipedes, detritivores, 2 pairs legs per diplosegment, repugnatorial glands
- 4. sea daisies; simple structure;disc peripheral tube feet
- 5. no metamorphosis, eggs are immature, no wings, springtails, silverfish
- 6. centipedes, tagmata includes head and trunk
- 9. urchins sand dollars; fused dermal ossicles; no arms; ambulacral grooce; aristotle's lantern
- 10. glands release things that smell bad
- 11. order that sting on metasoma
- 12. complete metamorphosis, egg-larva-pupa-adult,moth beetles, flies, fleas, butterflies
- 14. subphylum with unbranched appendages and mouth parts are mandibles
- 19. fangs,venomous
- 22. sea cucumber, sea apples, reduced dermal ossicles, tentacles, sessile, sedentary, or errant
- 23. horse shoe crabs, carapace, telson, simple and compound eyes, book gills
- 24. subphylum all extinct, biramous appendages, mandibles and antennae, 3 lobed abdomen