Biology Orientation Week

  1. 5. the building blocks of life, micrscopic in size
  2. 6. an exact copy of an organism, rhymes with drone
  3. 9. a machine that helps you to zoom in on very small details
  4. 11. the mini-organs of living cells, e.g. chloroplast
  5. 12. the study of plants
  6. 14. a body part that pumps blood around the body, part of the circulatory system
  7. 16. you will dissect one of these next year
  8. 17. part of the digestive system
  9. 18. a living community and its non-living components, for example tropical rainforest
  1. 1. the study of DNA and inheritance
  2. 2. a body part that filters the blood, part of the excretory system
  3. 3. you have 46 of these in each cell nucleus, made from DNA
  4. 4. the part of the cell that stores DNA
  5. 7. plants use these to get water from the soil
  6. 8. the study of living things, this subject
  7. 10. the green part of a plant
  8. 13. next years biology text, the '_______ of Biology'
  9. 15. the name for any body part or behaviour that helps an organism to survive