Biology Summative Test

  1. 2. Female part of the flower.
  2. 3. Regulates the secretion of some pituitary hormones.
  3. 7. Male part of the flower.
  4. 10. Special reproductive cells produce by meiosis.
  5. 11. Produce in response to increase blood glucose concentration.
  6. 12. Disease in which the body is unable to control its blood glucose concentration.
  7. 13. Secretes estrogen and progesterone.
  8. 15. Production of new organism, it is necessary to ensure the continuity of species
  9. 17. Modified leaves forming the most obvious part of the flower.
  10. 18. Produce genetically identical offspring from ONE PARENT by mitosis.
  11. 19. Secretes thyroxine.
  1. 1. Involves the fusion of two gametes to form a zygote, producing genetically dissimilar offspring from two parents.
  2. 3. Over production of thyroid hormones(Thyroxine
  3. 4. Secreted from the adrenaline gland.
  4. 5. Chemical Substance produced in minute quatites by an endocrine system.
  5. 6. Is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma
  6. 8. Secrete Testosterone.
  7. 9. Produced in response to decrease blood glucose concentration.
  8. 14. Modified leaves which enclose and protect the other parts of the flower in the bud stage.
  9. 16. Master gland of the body.