- 2. a mass of tumor that is noncancerous
- 3. an open ended muscular tube
- 5. jelly-like substance that holds organelles in place
- 6. a mass of cells that continue to grow and pile up
- 8. this system is responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen in to the body and removing wastes from the body
- 9. this supports the cell and allows substances to move in and out
- 10. the membrane surrounding the nucleus reforms creating two new nuclei
- 12. the two main phases of cell division are mitosis and
- 14. during this phase the chromosomes align in the centre of the cell
- 1. organ system that takes in food, breaks it down, and removes the remaining waste from the body
- 4. the continous events in the life of a cell
- 7. the main function of this body system is to bring oxygen in and remove carbon dioxide out from the body
- 8. the process in which one cell produces two new cells that are exact copies of its original cell
- 11. a mass of tumor that is cancerous
- 13. uncontrolled cell division