
  1. 2. Refers to organisms or cells having two copies of each specific chromosome, that is, having a paired set of chromosomes.
  2. 3. Cell division which the new cells are genetically identical.
  3. 7. Small organs of the cell which undertake the processes which happen inside cells.
  4. 8. An organised representation of an organism’s chromosomes. Typically going from size order from largest to smallest.
  5. 10. An acronym for this is DNA. It contains fours bases - adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine - which code for genetic instructions.
  6. 14. It is an egg or sperm cell.
  7. 16. Cells which are found in the gonads.
  8. 17. It is any cell with a membrane-bound nucleus.
  9. 18. A stage of mitosis and meiosis in which the cells are in between cell division.
  10. 20. It is an organelle containing RNA which is the major place of protein production in cells.
  11. 21. It is the position where the chromatids are held together. It is generally in the centre of the chromatids.
  12. 24. It is the second stage of mitosis in which chromosomes align along the equator of the spindle.
  13. 25. An organism with half the amount of chromosomes - unpaired chromosomes.
  14. 26. It is an organelle found in plant, algae, fungi and bacteria cells. It is a semi-rigid structure found outside the cell membrane.
  15. 27. Cell division where the new cells each contain half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.
  16. 28. It is base sequences which code for a specific protein that are inherited on chromosomes.
  17. 29. The microscopic structures which are the building blocks of all living things.
  1. 1. This is the process of which the cell is programmed to die.
  2. 4. A structure containing proteins and DNA, which is wound up tightly.
  3. 5. Any cells or organism without a membrane-bound nucleus.
  4. 6. It is the organelle which is vital when the spindle fibres are being created.
  5. 9. They are protein structures which divide the chromosomes in a cell during cell division.
  6. 11. The alternate forms of genes.
  7. 12. They are made up of amino acids and produce a phenotype.
  8. 13. They are cells in the body that are not found in the gonads.
  9. 15. It is the total amount of genes in an organism or cell.
  10. 19. It is the first stage of mitosis in which the nuclear membrane begins to disintegrate and the spindle begins to form.
  11. 22. It is a membrane bound organelle in a cell which is said to be the ‘control centre’ of the cell as it controls all cellular activity.
  12. 23. It is the third stage of mitosis in which the the one cells is split in two and nuclear membrane starts to form again.