
  1. 4. a membrane structure that contains the cell's hereditary information and controls the cell's growth and reproduction
  2. 7. when membranes begin to form around the new nuclei
  3. 9. stage where the fibres in the cytoplasm push the DNA together lining them up in the middle of the cell
  4. 10. where the cell grows to nearly twice its size and the dna in the nucleus duplicates
  5. 12. it includes the organelles, and other life supporting materials, all contained by the cell membrane
  6. 13. the last stage of cell division where the
  7. 14. Membrane a thin membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell
  1. 1. has 4 stages in the stages of cell division
  2. 2. forms external to the cell membrane whose main role is to give cells rigidity, found in plant cells and not in animal cells
  3. 3. stage where the 2 copies of the DNA split apart
  4. 5. help produce protein in the animal cell, which make up much of a cell's structure, and some floats in the cytoplasm
  5. 6. when the cell membrane begins to disappear and when the duplicated DNA condenses into chromosomes
  6. 8. where energy is released from glucose to fuel cell activities
  7. 11. In both animal and plant cell but bigger in the plant cell