Biome & Human Impact Vocabulary

  1. 2. Materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land
  2. 5. The overharvesting of fish and marine animals, that their survival is endangered, and it involves catching so many of one species that the species is unable to recover
  3. 6. Contamination of soil, water or atmosphere by the discharge of harmful substances
  4. 8. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall that results in a shortage of water
  5. 12. When new land is uncovered, so pioneer organisms start new ecosystem by making dirt from rocks
  6. 13. All the interacting groups of various species(biotic factors)
  7. 14. The animals of a particular biome
  8. 15. The variety of life in the world or in a particular ecosystem
  9. 16. Ecological community of plants and animals that exist in balance with each other and their environment with little change;last stage of succession
  10. 17. Large ecosystem of flora, fauna, and abiotic factors occupying a major habitat
  1. 1. Environmental factors that are living (flora/fauna)
  2. 3. Process of the ecosystem rebuilding, from a previous established ecosystem that was destroyed by human intervention or natural disasters
  3. 4. Hardy Species, that are the 1st to colonize new ecosystems and begin the food chain (moss/lichen)
  4. 7. Environmental factors that are non-living
  5. 9. The plants of a particular biome
  6. 10. The preservation, protection or restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystem, vegetation, or wildlife
  7. 11. A group of the same species that live/interact together