biomed crossword

  1. 2. cell with a reference range 4-11 x10^9/L
  2. 4. treatment type that involves both physical and chemical methods to clean water
  3. 9. natural compounds produced by microbes that kill or inhibit other organisms
  4. 11. bond type between nucleotides
  5. 13. term used for when a DNA template is used to create a new strand
  6. 19. oldest method of processing food
  7. 22. a principle of cell counting used
  8. 26. a principle of cell counting used
  9. 27. disease from unpasteurised milk
  10. 28. least numerous circulating WBC
  11. 30. most common agent causing gastroenteritis
  12. 31. base that is a 2 ring structure
  13. 32. disease from creams and dairy products
  14. 34. the time for the survivors to be destroyed by a log cycle that is 90% of initial population
  15. 37. a chemical used for cold sterlization
  16. 38. sticks dna back together
  17. 39. base that is a 1 ring structure
  1. 1. diabetes where the pituitary hormone is deficient
  2. 3. antibiotics that inhibit the last stage of cell wall production
  3. 5. granulocyte that is anti-parasitic, phagocytic, involved in allergic reactions
  4. 6. a type of lipid aggregate
  5. 7. secondary treatment of water
  6. 8. change in RBC shape
  7. 10. the cause of the diesase
  8. 12. BOD stands for
  9. 14. cell with a reference range in units 10^12/L
  10. 15. disrupts cell membrane
  11. 16. change in RBC size
  12. 17. immune mechanism that is the administration of antigen, long germ and memory
  13. 18. end product of PCR
  14. 20. virus that invades a bacteria and reproduce inside it
  15. 21. 2-20 monosaccharide combination
  16. 23. reference range 150-400x10^9/L
  17. 24. contribute to 10-15% of metabolic energy
  18. 25. cuts dna
  19. 29. granulocyte that phagocytoses, release chemotactic factors
  20. 33. suffix for decrease in cell number
  21. 35. the only place haemopoeisis occurs in an adult
  22. 36. type of diabetes where the patient is unable to utilise high glucose levels, genetic or environmental
  23. 39. immune mechanism that relies of the administration of antibodies, short term