Biomes and Food Security

  1. 2. Cereal grains are staples as they can be stored for long periods of times without ____________________. (pg. 84)
  2. 4. This biome supports only nomadic reindeer herders.
  3. 6. These people rely on staple crops as they are more resilient and have a low risk of failure. (pg. 84)
  4. 8. This is vital for the survival of other species on Earth. (pg. 84)
  5. 11. This sustains life. (pg. 84)
  6. 12. Cassava contains what poison that can kill unless cooked or grated and left in the open? (pg. 85)
  7. 14. This biome contains some of the richest soils int he world. (pg. 85)
  8. 15. Human eat both plant and animal products and are called... (pg. 84)
  9. 16. With increasing _______________ diets become more varied. (pg. 85)
  10. 18. The ___________________ of food determines the number of people that can live in a region. (pg. 84)
  11. 19. Most staples are ___________ __________. (pg. 84)
  12. 21. The land in this biome is only suitable for grazing as there is a restricted amount of vegetation. (pg. 85)
  13. 22. Staple foods in South America. (pg. 84)
  14. 24. Number of rice crops produced each year in the rich alluvial soils of South-East Asia. (pg. 84)
  1. 1. Name/type of food that is eaten regularly by a community or society as the main part of their diet. (pg. 84)
  2. 3. This varies greatly between biomes and determines the amount of food that can be gained. (pg. 85)
  3. 5. This biome has impoverished soils reliant on decaying material. (pg. 85)
  4. 7. Over one billion people in developing countries depend on _____________ _______ __________ as their staple food. (pg. 84/85)
  5. 9. The fertile ___________ ___________ of South-East Asia support some of the highest rural population densities. (pg. 84)
  6. 10. How many people have rice, maize and wheat as their staple? (pg. 84)
  7. 13. This biome has limited land use due to extreme aridity. (pg. 85)
  8. 17. Staple food in Asia.(pg. 84)
  9. 20. These for the basis of all food chains. (pg. 84)
  10. 22. Staple foods are usually readily available of quite _____________. (pg. 84)
  11. 23. Staple food in Europe. (pg. 84)