Andrew Pelton

  1. 2. Element for Nucleic Acids
  2. 5. Protein Enzymes
  3. 6. Leads to function
  4. 10. Ratio for Carbs (CHO)
  5. 14. Polymer for Nucleid Acids
  6. 15. Example of a Lipid molecule (some body builders take this)
  7. 17. Monomer for Carbohydrate
  8. 18. Similar to DNA but sugar is Ribose instead of Deoxyribose
  9. 19. Polymer for Lipids
  10. 21. 2nd source energy
  11. 22. Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids are examples of
  12. 24. Monomer for Proteins
  13. 25. Many parts
  1. 1. Polymer for Proteins
  2. 3. Monomer for Nucleic Acids
  3. 4. Monomer for Lipids
  4. 7. Element for Carbohydrates and Lipids
  5. 8. Polymer for Carbohydrate
  6. 9. 1st source energy
  7. 11. One part
  8. 12. Hereditary Information
  9. 13. Element for Proteins
  10. 16. Glucose, Fructose, Lactose is another word for
  11. 20. Function of Protein (how its built)
  12. 23. Example of Proteins (people with type 1 diabetes can't produce this on their own)