Bioscience - Module 6

  1. 4. The name of the system that supplies the body with oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide.
  2. 5. ---'s law governs ventilation, the movement of air into and out of the lungs and examines changes in thoracic volume.
  3. 10. Also known as breathing in. External intercostal muscles contract causing the rib cage to elevate and the diaphragm contracts causing it to move downwards.
  4. 14. The --- consists of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli. The site of gas exchange.
  5. 15. These prevent the trachea from collapsing.
  6. 16. --- respiration occurs between the lungs and blood. Partial Pressure O2 is higher in alveoli compared to in pulmonary capillaries.
  1. 1. Also known as breathing out. Does not involve muscles contracting. External intercostal muscles relax causing the rib cage to return to its original position.
  2. 2. Oxygen and haemoglobin combination.
  3. 3. --- is the pressure exerted by a gas in a mixture and is directly proportional to its percentage.
  4. 6. Detects changes in chemical composition within the blood and relays information to respiratory centers to adjust breathing.
  5. 7. The --- conducts air to the respiratory zones. It filters, humidifies, and warms the air.
  6. 8. --- respiration occurs between the blood and tissues. Partial Pressure O2 in systemic capillaries is higher compared to in cells as oxygen diffuses from blood to tissues.
  7. 9. ---'s law looks at total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases.
  8. 11. ---'s law looks at gas mixtures when in contact with liquid and how each has dissolved in proportion to its partial pressure.
  9. 12. Pushes debris trapped by mucus upwards towards the pharynx.
  10. 13. The movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide by simple diffusion along a concentration gradient.