  1. 3. the acid that causes the tangy taste in yogurt
  2. 7. white biotechnology
  3. 11. milk is boiled to destroy microbes
  4. 14. uses organisms to improve and create products
  5. 15. used to fight diabetes
  6. 17. this must be kept warm for bacteria to work
  7. 21. bacteria used to make yogurt
  8. 23. a dark biotechnology category
  9. 25. the sanitizing of equipment and apparatus
  1. 1. large fat droplets break down into smaller ones
  2. 2. breaks down in the environment
  3. 4. other word for microorganism
  4. 5. also called agri or environmental biotech
  5. 6. antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming
  6. 8. used in bread making
  7. 9. blue biotechnology
  8. 10. healthy, nutritious snack made from dairy
  9. 12. process where clumping of the particles occurs
  10. 13. process produces lactic acid in grey biotech
  11. 16. also food and nutrition biotechnology
  12. 18. needed to make yogurt
  13. 19. dry or desert zones in brown biotechnology
  14. 20. bioinformatics biotechnology
  15. 22. also called purple biotechnology
  16. 24. also know as medical biotechnology