Bird Families 2

  1. 6. Plump, medium-sized, brightly coloured bird with short tail and long legs. Upright stance. White wing patches in flight (5)
  2. 8. Large, predominantly brown forest bird with long tail, legs and toes. They forage on the ground and fly only weakly (8)
  3. 10. Boldy marked, fast-flying wader. Feed by spinning when swimming (9)
  4. 12. Black or pied coastal waders (13)
  5. 14. Short-billed, round-headed, large-eyed, plain or camouflaged waders (8)
  6. 16. Quick-flying, dark-coloured insectivores with long, swept wings, square or forked tail, large eyes, a small bill but wide gape (5)
  7. 18. Known for their habit of rolling during aerial display flights. This bird has a red bill and stout body (10)
  8. 20. Small to tiny dull bird. Active with pleasant voice. Mainly ground-dwelling or foliage-foraging insectivore (8)
  9. 23. Solid and medium-winged, have white, grey and dark plumages, heavy bills, webbed feet (4)
  10. 25. Medium to large bird with prominent erectile crests. They have a complete orbital ring. Plumages range from black to white (8)
  11. 26. Small to medium nocturnal bird with long tail, small broad bill and long pointed wings which in flight are still and irregular in movement (8)
  12. 27. Noisy, gregarious, mainly ground-feeding bird with plump brownish body, longish tail and pointed, down-curved bill (7)
  13. 29. Piratical sea bird with variable plumage, elongated central tail feathers and white wing flashes (4)
  14. 30. Medium-sized, distinctive wader with very long legs. Bill slender and straight (5)
  1. 1. Small, brightly coloured, slender-billed, quick flying, nectar and insect feeders. Build pendulous nests with side entrances (7)
  2. 2. Slender, small to large, plain or barred, long-tailed bird with narrow wings, fast undulating flight and ventriloquial call (6)
  3. 3. Usually brightly coloured, this bird has a stout body, large head, long heavy pointed bill and small feet. Fast direct flight (10)
  4. 4. These birds climb on tree trunks and branches. They are small, social, grey and black and white with orange to white wing bars, slightly upturned bill, yellow legs and feet (8)
  5. 5. Have brush-tipped tongues, decurved bills. Are mainly dull green or brown with patches of brighter plumage or skin around face and are slim (10)
  6. 7. Slender bird which often wag their long tail up and down. Have yellow legs and no crest (5)
  7. 9. Fork-tailed, long-winged, brownish wader of inland and barren areas (10)
  8. 11. These birds climb on tree trunks and branches. Some also hop on the ground. They are small and brownish with pale fawn wing bars, slightly down-curved bill, strong legs, long toes (11)
  9. 13. Long-billed, longish-legged, migratory wader (6)
  10. 15. Small to large nocturnal bird with weak feet, longish tail, rounded wings and massive broad bill. Plumage grey or brown (9)
  11. 17. Plump, plain or colourful, fast-flying fruit or seed eater. Some have crests. Stout bill. Some drink by sucking (6)
  12. 19. Insectivorous, arboreal bird with slender body, long pointed wings and graduated tail. Plumages black, grey, brown and pied combinations. Some have barrings (7)
  13. 21. Small songbird which hawk aerial insects. They have long, straight, pointed wings and forked or square tail (7)
  14. 22. Noisy, fast-flying, forest-dwelling bird. They are small, with short, pointed tail or medium-sized with long pointed tail (8)
  15. 24. Bright males and similarly coloured but duller females and juveniles. Typify these often nomadic and flocking small birds of the inland plains and coastal salt marshes (4)
  16. 28. Generally small Old World bird. Brown to olive-green, often crested with decurved notched bill and distinctive head marks (6)