Bird Watching

  1. 2. When a bird cleans and arranges its feathers.
  2. 3. A place where birds lay their eggs and raise young.
  3. 5. A bird of prey, like a hawk or eagle.
  4. 6. The sharp claws of birds of prey.
  5. 7. When a bird taps or hits something with its beak.
  6. 8. The hard outer covering of a bird’s egg.
  7. 14. A young bird that has just learned to fly.
  8. 15. A loud, harsh noise made by a bird.
  9. 16. A place where birds sit, like a branch or a pole.
  10. 18. When birds travel from one place to another during different seasons.
  11. 19. A group of baby birds hatched at the same time.
  1. 1. What covers a bird’s body and helps it to fly.
  2. 4. A colony of birds that nest together, especially seabirds.
  3. 7. The pattern and colors of a bird’s feathers.
  4. 9. A baby bird that has just hatched from an egg.
  5. 10. A small bird known for its ability to hover in place by flapping its wings rapidly.
  6. 11. The distance from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other.
  7. 12. The hard, pointed mouth of a bird.
  8. 13. To fly high in the sky without flapping wings.
  9. 17. The sound a small bird makes, often heard in the morning.