
  1. 1. feathers The feathers which give the bird its shape and colour
  2. 5. The strong and hooked claws of birds that eat small animals
  3. 7. The seasonal movement of birds from one place to another in search of food and adaptable weather is
  4. 8. feet The type of feet in which the toes are joined by a thin layer of skin
  5. 12. The scientific study of birds
  6. 13. Holes on the beaks of birds through which they breathe
  1. 2. the downward movement of the wings
  2. 3. feathers The feathers on the tail and wing of birds which help them fly
  3. 4. The upward movement of the wings
  4. 6. An animal that kills and eats other animals
  5. 9. feeders Trays filled with grains, placed outside to feed the birds
  6. 10. of prey Birds that hunt and feed on small animals
  7. 11. feathers The feathers which keep the birds warm are known as