birds and spiders

  1. 3. crested largely blue bird
  2. 4. adult male chicken
  3. 7. any of numerous small songbirds with short stout bills adapted for crushing seeds
  4. 11. arthropods with simple eyes and four pairs of legs
  5. 12. adult male chicken
  6. 14. a bird with pointed wings and a long tail
  7. 15. any of several small Old World finches
  1. 1. a large diurnal bird of prey feeding chiefly on carrion
  2. 2. a diurnal bird of prey
  3. 5. large southern European spider
  4. 6. warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate with feathers and wings
  5. 8. a bird of prey with rounded wings and a long tail
  6. 9. a domestic bird bred for meat or eggs
  7. 10. common black-and-grey Eurasian bird noted for thiever
  8. 13. any of numerous small pigeons