Birthday everything
- 3. nine years ago, you were a ____
- 4. the StarCraft worm alien type
- 6. _____ birthday to you!
- 7. papyrus's brother
- 12. your first co-op commander
- 14. today is your ________
- 15. a number that you are today
- 16. the StarCraft robot alien type
- 19. your name
- 1. sans's brother
- 2. you got many _______s for your birthday
- 5. an inflatable object
- 6. a not monster
- 8. yesterday, you were _____, today you are nine
- 9. a type of desert you get on your birthday
- 10. corona_____
- 11. of night
- 13. it rhymes with Minecraft
- 17. hoi! I'm ______!
- 18. StarCraft zerg Lady