Birthday Girl

  1. 2. Making the case re: beer and your birthday
  2. 4. An alma mater
  3. 5. Wrap of love
  4. 6. Twins
  5. 7. Nude
  6. 11. Flakey party visitant
  7. 13. "Precept"
  8. 17. One birthday was upside-down and one day early where?
  9. 18. Animal of honor as the birthday Terns(ed)
  10. 20. Bossy astrological orb
  11. 21. Indigenous lady tune
  12. 23. "Maxim"
  13. 25. Stork site
  14. 27. 3rd mascot
  15. 28. The element of
  16. 29. Like birthdays
  17. 30. Half century plus a couple
  18. 33. "Word" of twenty twenty
  19. 35. Steve + Carol =
  20. 38. down!...
  21. 40. Commonality between k.J., d.g., n.g., l.s., c.y.
  22. 41. Arrival city
  23. 46. Not my plastic glove
  24. 48. X around the sun
  25. 50. daystar phosphorescence reverie, in other words, mine, gratefully
  26. 51. Sixty eight
  1. 1. "A" place up river down under old and new
  2. 2. Past moniker
  3. 3. Magic number
  4. 8. Idol, friend, or mom's alternate
  5. 9. "Word" annually embodied
  6. 10. Made on "these" days
  7. 12. Smarts initially gathered
  8. 14. Equus asinus soiree tourney
  9. 15. Middle of wonderland
  10. 16. Spirit animal
  11. 19. The doorway to a thousand churches
  12. 22. What a gem
  13. 24. Initially
  14. 26. Party floater
  15. 31. Ooh, see that girl, when we watch that scene, we are digging
  16. 32. Big part of granny
  17. 34. Celebrated
  18. 36. This day
  19. 37. April showers bring these
  20. 39. Sleestak baby
  21. 42. __girl
  22. 43. Kiss hug kiss hug kiss hug
  23. 44. Upside down b-day town
  24. 45. "Dictum"
  25. 47. Da vinci's got your number
  26. 49. Have it & eat it too