Bisma Younas Ch #14 Study Guide

  1. 3. To make it harder for slaves to escape, they were not allowed to learn how to read or ______.
  2. 4. Because the industry did not expand in the South, the South became dependent on the _________.
  3. 8. Because of their wealth, many ________ became political leaders.
  4. 11. John Deere invented the _________ which helped farmers create crops faster than ever before, which made them more money.
  5. 13. Over 200,000 _______ Blacks lived in the South in the 1860s.
  6. 15. _________ boats replaced the clipper ships.
  7. 17. Most southerns owned about _______ slaves.
  8. 18. Eli __________ invented the Cotton Gin which did the work of about 50 people.
  9. 19. __________ were placed on slaves to control the slaves and limit their freedom.
  10. 20. ________ ships made it possible to "win a large share of the world's sea trade in the 1840s and 1850s."
  11. 22. The _______________ Kingdom was the range with the most cotton plantations.
  12. 23. Because of slaves codes, slaves were not allowed to do things such as own a ___.
  1. 1. Cyrus McCormick opened a factory in _________ which produced mechanical reapers.
  2. 2. ________ percent of white Southerns were farmers.
  3. 5. Slaves known as "skilled workers" would do things such as _______ cabinets.
  4. 6. The Cotton Kingdom included the states South Carolina,Alabama,Mississppi, and ______________.
  5. 7. Slaves owners thought of their slaves as ________ property.
  6. 9. ________ started working in the Northern factories after they arrived in the United States in the 1840s and 1850s.
  7. 10. Railroads became more popular during 1829 because it could pull railcars alone at _______ miles per hour.
  8. 12. Less than _____ percent of slave owners had atleast 50 slaves.
  9. 14. Many people such as Denmark Vesey _____ slavery.
  10. 16. people who owned atleast 50 slaves in the South were known as ________.
  11. 21. Many immigrants came from ________ because they were starving and had many diseases there.