Black History Month!
- 2. Famous black trumpeter, also known as Satchmo
- 7. the month black history is honored
- 8. First black woman to travel to space
- 9. The first African American to produce a film in white theaters
- 10. put in jail for draft evasion (refusing to join army)
- 12. Fastest man alive
- 13. An invention made by Garret Morgan
- 15. The "King of Pop"
- 16. refused to give up seat to white man
- 1. First black man to win a Nobel Prize
- 3. "I Have a Dream"
- 4. First ever state to abolish slavery
- 5. First American woman to win three gold medals in track and field at the same Olympic game
- 6. The first African American to get a PhD from Harvard University
- 11. First African American to join the MLB
- 14. known to be the greatest basketball player of all time before they retired